Muhammad Huzaifa
1 min readJul 31, 2020



The experience of determining first 3 task help in prioritizing the sub goal to achieve our long term goal,its just like a baby steps towards our goal.The major task which I consider necessary to achieve goal is “To Build my Confidence”.The reason is that if you have a confidence you can make a better impact in your surrounding and you are considered important regarding seeking a solution for any problems.Problems solving make you experienced in many task which also help you in your personal life.Achieving a confidence is sometime difficult in past and also in present as what i think it requires to be in a good gathering or in an experienced gathering.There were also some challenges in completing this task as nowadays it quite difficult to be in these types of gathering as we are nowadays living a confined life due to Covid-19 and how to get into these types of gathering.It’s quiet learning to be in such gathering as it make you aware to the mistake of other and not to do it again and if done by you how to deal with it and how to get out of it.The next step would be the other task aiming to achieve my long term goal.

